All posts by Scott

Almost There – Still Going (Stuck in Japan)

Well – we almost made it home. Due to an equipment issue / change with Thai Air (BTW – they are awesome)…we missed our United flight to Denver by minutes.  Keep in mind, our flight from Tokyo to Denver was direct.  That means any other option (unless we waited 24 hours) meant connecting flights…that might or might not have worked out.  So we elected to stay in the airport area (Narita) for 24 hours.  Basically, we got a 24 hour, all expense paid side trip, by our travel insurance and Thai Air, to Japan.  Mathieu was fine with this as he got another stamp in his passport and can now claim Japan as a country visited.   There was not enough time to go into Tokyo (The Tokyo airport is actually in Narita, which is an hour outside of Tokyo by high speed train).  So we just did a little bus tour of Narita, relaxed and reset for our flight home.

Thus, while we had a 24 hour delay, our intinerary (flights and planes – which are incredibly important to Mathieu) stayed intact.  Mathieu wanted to fly an A380 (check), fly a Dreamliner Polaris Class (check), fly international into Denver (check).  I know, spoiled…but as you all know Mathieu, his addiction is everything flying, so the flying aspect of this trip was as important to him as the pyramids of Giza.


Great Wall of China

A little foggy, but better than torrential rainstorms that have been in the area the last 2 days.  The humidity index was off the charts, but we hit it at the perfect time today.  All I can say is “WOW!”


13th Emperor in the Ming Dynasty – Tomb (as an added bonus today)