Not a lot to report here. Just a quick stop and drive through the city.

Jonathan’s 50th Country
Today marks Jonathan’s travel milestone of 50 countries visited.

Mathieu gets an honorable mention as this is his 45th country.
Not a lot to report here. Just a quick stop and drive through the city.
Today marks Jonathan’s travel milestone of 50 countries visited.
Mathieu gets an honorable mention as this is his 45th country.
This one will be a bit long, but mostly all pictures and a few videos. Also, rather than post a bunch of blogs we saved everything until the end.
Thank you for joining us on this holiday journey. Mathieu – Congratulations on your upcoming graduation from UND. While we have begged you to join us on future trips we know you want us to spend less money on you. We will respect your wishes (he actually never said that but this is the cut the apron strings trip – Mathieu will always be our favorite Sherpa)!
New Years Eve in Ha Long Bay, Vietnam
A quick pass through this historic city where a significant portion of the US military was based during the war.
This was a lot of fun. We took about an hour long, 5 mile bike ride through the rice fields and back streets of this beautiful little village.
Today was a quick day for us. No tours, just a hop off of the boat, via a tender, a little shopping and then back. It ended up being a good plan given this was really the only hot day of the trip.
Nha Trang is mostly a vacation destination and is often referred to as the Honolulu of Vietnam. With massive hotels and beaches it is no surprise people flock here during the summer. For us, it was a quiet time to visit.
What you see below is approximately 5 millions Vietnamese Dong (the local currency).
Today was a long day as we were in a bus for over 4 hours going to and from Ho Chi Minh City. Vietnam is nothing like what most people imagine. In the last 40 years this war torn country has re-invented itself into a regional financial, agricultural, and commerce center of the Far East.
Until Saigon fell in 1975 this was where the country was governed from. After 1975 the capital moved to Hanoi and now the old Presidential Palace is a museum.
A great example of French Colonial architecture that has survived.
From North Dakota and Colorado, we have met up in Los Angeles to begin our journey.
And YES – we are wearing matching shirt!
We could only afford to buy candy!
6.81 miles of walking today! This is actually a good thing after 12 days of eating continually on a cruise!