Cooking with Ann

Something different today, we went to a Thai cooking class.

From the moment Ann picked us up from our hotel, we knew this would be a special experience. On the way to the market, she asked about our likes, dislikes, preferred dishes, and even how much food we could eat (note: look at the pictures – we asked for something small to medium, can you imagine if we would have said we were hungry!). When then shopped together for the freshest ingredients, customizing the experience to our tastes.

Ann welcomed us into her beautifully appointed outdoor Thai kitchen at her home, where we spent nearly 3 hours preparing, cooking, and dining on several dishes. These are not pre-set menus; instead, Ann ensured we were making and eating dishes tailored to our preferences. The result is one of the finest dining experiences we have ever had in Thailand, not just because of the flavors but because it was designed entirely for us.

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